8:30 AM VIRTUAL Zumba Gold with Delia
12:00 PM Individual ASL Tutoring with Sammi
11:30 AM Building Social Skills with Luke
3:00 PM Q & A "Queer & Autistic"
11:45 AM Reiki with Jenna
12:30 PM Lunch Break Chair Yoga with Emily
1:30 PM Foot Rubs with Trinity
2:30 PM Games Group with Claire
11:00 AM Consultations with Dr. Janet
1:00 PM Healing Touch with Kat
3:00 PM Gardening with Babs
3:00 PM Stretching with Ellen
11:15 AM Targeted Massage with Zoe
12:00 PM Individual ASL Tutoring with Sammi
3:00 PM Q & A "Queer & Autistic"
11:00 AM Yoga & Stretch with Nani
12:00 PM Gluten-Free Baking with Denise
1:00 PM Move Your Body
1:45 PM Chair Massage with Nani
11:15 AM Mindful Moment Yoga with Toni
12:15 PM POUND® with Delia
1:00 PM Chair Massage with Toni
3:00 PM Stretching with Ellen
1:30 PM ASNC Support Group for Parents
12:00 PM Individual ASL Tutoring with Sammi
11:30 AM Building Social Skills with Luke
3:00 PM Q & A "Queer & Autistic"
11:00 AM Massage with Allexis
11:45 AM Reiki with Jenna
12:30 PM Lunch Break Chair Yoga with Emily
1:30 PM Foot Rubs with Trinity
11:00 AM Consultations with Dr. Janet
11:30 AM Happy Heart Mediation with Catherine
1:00 PM Healing Touch with Kat
3:00 PM Stretching with Ellen
8:30 AM VIRTUAL Zumba Gold with Delia
11:30 AM In the Kitchen with Dan & Kristen
11:15 AM Targeted Massage with Zoe
12:00 PM Individual ASL Tutoring with Sammi
3:00 PM Q & A "Queer & Autistic"
11:45 AM Reiki with Jenna
12:30 PM Lunch Break Chair Yoga with Emily
1:30 PM Foot Rubs with Trinity
2:30 PM Games Group with Claire
12:00 AM LGBTQIA+ Consultations
11:30 AM Karaoke with Ryan
1:00 PM Pet Therapy: Gizmo with Rob
2:00 PM For the Love of Art with Denise
12:00 PM Individual ASL Tutoring with Sammi
1:00 PM Facials with Andrea
3:00 PM Q & A "Queer & Autistic"
11:45 AM Reiki with Jenna
12:30 PM Lunch Break Chair Yoga with Emily
1:30 PM Foot Rubs with Trinity
2:30 PM Games Group with Claire
11:00 AM Salsa with Nani
11:00 AM Consultations with Dr. Janet
1:00 PM Healing Touch with Kat
3:00 PM Gardening with Babs
12:00 AM LGBTQIA+ Consultations
11:30 AM Davis' Dance Party
1:00 PM Pet Therapy
2:00 PM For the Love of Art with Denise
8:30 AM VIRTUAL Zumba Gold with Delia