We are located in the Asheville Mall at 3 S Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805 in between the food court and Belk across from H&M

Office phone (828) 424-7604


To RSVP for group classes & workshops, schedule appointments for reiki, jyorei, facials, massage with Becky, Toni or Steve, cranial sacral, mindfulness or relationship coaching and anything else not mentioned here(!) – Jenn Hartzog 734-478-0761 or jennhartzog@gmail.com

To donate gently used items to Big Hug Boutique  – Jenny Zimmerman 828-772-0275 or Facebook messenger

To schedule pet therapy, stop-motion animation creation workshops, massage with Travis or arrange drop-off of art for Big Hug Boutique – Michele Louzon 828-775-8622 or armsaroundasd@gmail.com

Schedule with Dr. Janet directly at 607-368-0470 or Dr.Janet@wncnaturopathicmedicine.com

To talk with Gretchen Levine, transitions navigator – 301-639-4399 or gretchen@ericlevineassociates.com

For anything related to social media – Cara Carlson avlareahappenings@gmail.com or Michele Louzon armsaroundasd@gmail.com